Custom Runtime Criteria
If you want to create report criteria for a field not listed in the Report Criteria window, you can create custom criteria using the More option below the field list.
When you create custom criteria, you must enter a specific value for the field. Lookup values are not available.
Custom criteria are only in effect for the current run of the report, they cannot be saved for permanent use. If a custom expression is important for a specific report, you need to add the criteria each time the report is run.
Contact Maintenance Connection Support if you need to make a permanent change to the prompts available for a report or to alter a report's fixed criteria.
Create custom criteria:
Click the More option below the field list.
The Report Criteria window refreshes, and two additional prompts appear for you to enter custom criteria.
Click the first field.
A menu displays, listing all fields available for this type of report in [Table] Field order.
Locate and select the field you want to filter by.
Select how the field value will be evaluated from the second field.
This selection can be understood as what kind of relationship do the field and the value have. The options that display depend on the type of field you select. For example, a numeric field has the following options:
For example, the total is $500.
Is greater than
For example, the total is greater than $500.
Is less than
For example, the total is less than $500.
Is not equal to
For example, the total is not equal to $500.
Enter the value that the field should be filtered by in the third field.
For example, if we want to report on work orders with actual hours that exceeded 100, we would create the following expression:
First field: [WO] Actual Hours
Second field: Is greater than
Third field: 100